Tuesday, December 7, 2010

East Coast Gift Certificates

Just a quick reminder that East Coast Trip gift certificates make great gifts.  The link to purchase these certificates is located on this blog.  Forward the link to the blog on to relatives, friends, etc.  All they need to do is click on the "Christmas Gift Certificate Program" link.  It is that easy.  My daughter was able to get a few of these for Christmas and her birthday.  Boy, was it a huge help when the final payment came.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Trip of a Lifetime!

There is still time to join the 8th Grade East Coast Trip.  The first bus is full, but we are getting close to adding a second bus.  We only need a few more students to get the second bus lined up.  Let me know if you have any questions.  In order to get on the list, you must sign up with Countryside Tours.  The link to their webiste is on this blog.